Wellness Challenge #1: Stretch Break – A Healthy Habits Challenge

March 18,2024  – April 28,2024

This individual challenge encourages you to complete a stretch each day to improve your flexibility over the course of six (6) weeks.

Register for the challenge

  1. Log into the Wellness Portal
  2. Click Challenges from the portal homepage
  3. Select the Stretch Break challenge and click Activate


Requirements to earn credit

  • Click each icon to view the habit details
  • Once you complete the habit in its entirety, click Complete
  • You can complete the habits in any order you wish
  • Only one (1) habit can be completed per day
  • You must complete fourteen (14) habits to earn credit for the challenge

Please Note: Final habits must be logged by 11:59pm EST on 4/28 in order to qualify for the challenge.

Incentives for completion

Once all six (6) weeks are complete, you will automatically receive credit for Step 2: Complete One (1) Activity


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