Second Opinion Services

Need a second opinion or medical advice? Our Star Tribune medical plans include access to second opinion services at no cost to you.

PPO and HSA Plan Participants: Teladoc Medical Experts will:

  • Provide a second opinion if you are unsure about a diagnosis or need help deciding on a treatment option.
  • Consult with you on critical trauma, ICU, and NICU cases.
  • Provide personalized responses to medical questions.
  • Provide education and guidance when you are evaluating treatment options.
  • Provide guidance on treating mental health conditions.

Contact Teladoc at 1-800-TELADOC (835-2362), visit or download the Teladoc app.

Teladoc Expert Medical Service

Surest Plan Participants: 2nd.MD will:

  • Obtain helpful second opinions.
  • Provide medical decision guidance.
  • Provide treatment reviews.

Use 2nd.MD whenever you receive a new diagnosis, are considering surgery, have medication changes, or experience chronic conditions.

Contact 2nd.MD at 1-866-841-2575 or visit

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UMR App On The Go

UMR has a smarter, simpler, faster way to manage your health care benefits, right from the palm of your hand.

With just a tap, you can:

  • Access your digital ID card
  • View your plan details on-demand – anytime, anywhere
  • Find out if there is a copay for your upcoming appointment
  • Call, chat or message UMR’s member support team
  • Stay connect to your health care and download the UMR app today!

Simply scan the QR code or visit your app store to get started.

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September – Back to School Safety

As summer comes to an end and children start heading back to school, family life can get hectic. It’s  important to remember – and share with your children –  some key tips that will help keep them safe and healthy throughout the school year.


Whether your child rides a bike, walks or takes the bus to school, there are some tips to help make sure your child arrives safely at school.

  • Walking to school – Take the sidewalk if one is available and walk facing the traffic. Make sure to look both ways a couple of times before crossing the street, and if you can, make eye contact with drivers before crossing. Avoid distracted walking; stay alert.
  • Riding a bike – Ride on the right side of the road with traffic in single file. Make sure to come to a stop before crossing the street and, if needed, walk your bike across the street or intersection. Make sure to wear a helmet and bright-colored clothing.
  • Taking the bus – Take a moment to walk to and from the bus stop with your children and talk about how to get on and off the bus. Have your child stand six feet or three giant steps away from the curb. If your child must cross the street in front of the bus, make sure to discuss walking far enough in front of the bus so the driver can see them and to look before crossing the street.
  • Driving your child or carpooling – Watch for other children; look for buses that are picking up and dropping off children. Never pass a bus, and stop far enough back to allow children to exit safely. Obey speed limits. Make sure everyone is wearing their seatbelt. Avoid distracted driving.
  • Teen drivers – Talk with them about distracted driving and set expectations with them on safe driving.

While at school

Many school-related injuries are preventable. Take a moment to discuss with your child some safety areas at school. Here are some reminders for the upcoming school year:

  • Backpacks – Talk about the right way to wear a backpack – wearing both straps helps to distribute the weight on their shoulders. Don’t overfill a backpack.
  • Playgrounds and Sports –  Discuss with your children about looking at their surroundings while playing and being cautious while playing on playground equipment.
  • Contact Information – Don’t forget to update contact records at school and to write down important numbers for yourself as well.
  • Weather and News – Make sure to keep an eye and ear out for incidents that could cause school closures or early dismissals.

For other resources:


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August – Physical Activity

Race to Finish Step Challenge with Wellworks July 24, 2023 – September 3, 2023 

Walk an average of 7,500 steps per day throughout the six-week challenge to earn credit towards completion of a wellness activity.

Check your progress at the Wellworks For You Mobile App!


On average, Americans who work full-time spend nearly eight hours a day at their work site. As your employer, we want to help promote physical activity not only at home but in the workplace as well. Regular physical activity is one of the most important things people can do to improve their health. Moving more and sitting less have tremendous benefits for everyone, regardless of age, sex, race, ethnicity or current fitness level. As you start your physical activity journey, remember to consult with your doctor.

What are some benefits of being physically active?

  • Adults
    • Improves sleep quality
    • Helps reduce blood pressure, feelings of anxiety and depression, and the risk of developing dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease)
    • Lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes and cancer
    • Reduces the risk of weight gain
    • Improves bone health
    • Helps with balancing coordination and the risk of falling
  • Children
    • Improves attention and memory
    • Builds strong muscles, endurance and aerobic fitness
    • Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels
    • Improves bone health
    • Reduces risk of depression and high blood pressure
    • Helps regulate body weight and reduce body fat
    • Reduces the risk of several chronic diseases, including Type 2 diabetes and obesity

Physical Activity Recommendations 

  • Preschool-aged children (3-5 years)
    • Physical activity every day, throughout the day
    • Active play though a variety of enjoyable physical activities
  • Children & adolescents (6-17 years)
    • 60 minutes (1 hour) or more of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity  daily
    • A variety of enjoyable physical activities
    • As part of the 60 minutes, on at least three days a week, children and adolescents need:
      • Vigorous activity, such as running or playing soccer
      • Activity that strengthens muscles, such as climbing or doing push-ups
      • Activity that strengthens bones, such as doing gymnastics or jumping rope
  • Adults (18-64 years)
    • At least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity, such as brisk walking
    • At least two days a week of activities that strengthens muscles
    • Activities to improve balance, such as standing on one foot
  • Pregnant & Postpartum Women
    • At least 150 minutes (for example, 30 minutes, five days a week) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week, such as brisk walking
  • Adults with chronic conditions & disabilities
    • Get at least 150 minutes (for example, 30 minutes, five days a week) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week
    • Get at least two days a week of muscle-strengthening activities that include all major muscle groups

For more information around physical activity, click the links below:


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Tips For a Healthy Summer

Move more, sit less!

Wear sunscreen & insect repellent

  • For sun safety, wear layered clothes and apply broad spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 15. Reapply after two hours or after swimming, sweating, or toweling off.
  • UV rays can damage skin cells. Too much exposure to UV light is what causes most skin cancers.
    • UV rays tend to be the strongest from 9 AM to 3 PM (standard time).
  • Wear sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays.
  • Wear a hat with a brim to protect face, ears, and back of neck.
  • Use insect repellent and wear long sleeved shirts and long pants to prevent mosquito bites and ticks.
  • TIP: If you use both sunscreen and insect repellent, apply sunscreen first. After you come indoors, check clothing, body and pets for ticks.

Keep cool in extreme heat

  • Extreme heat can be dangerous for everyone, but it may be especially dangerous for people with chronic medical conditions.
  • Stay in the shade under an umbrella, tree or other shelter.

Eat a healthy diet

  • Delicious fruits and veggies make any summer meal healthier.

Rethink your drink!

  • Drink water instead of sugary or alcoholic drinks to reduce calories and stay safe.
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UV Safety Awareness

With summer starting, it’s a good time to learn about UV radiation and the effects that exposure has on the body, as well as ways to protect yourself and prevent sunburns, sun damage, and skin cancer.

UV radiation is a form of invisible radiation that comes from naturally from the sun’s rays. It can also be used in an artificial form such as tanning beds and sunlamps, and less commonly in certain types of lights and lasers. While UV radiation offers some benefits, such as Vitamin D, overexposure can lead to health risks to the skin and eyes, such as sunburn, skin cancer, and eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

There are three different types of UV rays

How to protect yourself and family:

  • Wear sunscreen – use one with an SPF of at least 30 and reapply frequently
  • Cover up with protective clothing such as long sleeves and pants, hats and sunglasses.
  • Seek shades when possible.
  • Avoid tanning beds.
  • Know your risk by getting regular skin screenings.


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Join your co-workers for the Tour of National Parks Walking Challenge

MARCH 6, 2023 – APRIL 16, 2023

Join your coworkers on a virtual walking tour through some of the country’s beautiful National Parks! We will begin our six (6) week journey at Canyonland National Park, making stops at Arches, Bryce Canyon, and Zion National Park before finishing at the iconic Grand Canyon National Park. We do not expect you to complete the route – just use it as scenery throughout your journey!


1. Log into your Wellness portal on the Wellworks for You app or online at
2. Click Challenges from the portal homepage.
3. Select the Tour of National Parks Walking Challenge to view the challenge dashboard.
4. Click Join to become an active participant in the walking challenge.
5. Select how you would like to appear on the leaderboard.
*Google Chrome is the recommended browser when participating in challenges on the Wellness Portal.

Choose one (1) of the options below to track your steps:
• Devices and Apps: Sync your device or everyday fitness app to the Wellness Portal by clicking MENU>Device/App Connect>Connect Device/App. Locate your device and follow the prompts to sync with the Wellness Portal.
• Manually Track Steps: Track your steps in the Challenge Dashboard by clicking the + Track Steps button located under the My Progress section.
• Apple Health: Apple users must sync via the Wellworks For You mobile app to transfer data from the Apple Health App and Apple Watch.
*Sync only one (1) device/app for accurate step counts. Manually entering steps will override any existing steps for that day, even if they came from a device/app.
Steps must be entered by 4/16/23 at 11:59pm EST.


Participants must average 6,000 steps per day throughout the six (6) week challenge to earn credit for one (1) Additional Activity toward their 2023 Wellness Program!

1. Go to
2. You will be asked for your Username and Password
3. Your Username is STR plus your 7-digit employee ID OR your spouse’s 7-digit employee ID number followed by sp
• Employee Example: STR0034567
• Spouse Username Example: STR0034567sp
4. Your initial password for the first-time logging into your Wellness Portal is the year you were born and the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN).
• Password Example: Birth year of 1983, and the last four digits of your SSN is
5181, your password is: 19835181
5. The first time you access your Wellness Portal you will be prompted to change your password

Please Note:
• Employee IDs are 7-digits in length, including leading zeros.
• Employee IDs are displayed on the company badge and pay statements.
• If you accessed your account already during the 2022 Wellness Program, please use the same credentials as they have not changed.

1. Go to
2. Select the Forgot Username or ForgotPassword link
3. Follow the instructions to retrieve your username or password

To participate in the challenge from your smartphone, simply log into the Wellworks For You App and select Challenges>National Parks Walking Challenge. Choose to enter steps, view the live Challenge Leader Board, or update how you appear on the Leader. Download the app by searching Wellworks For You in the App Store or Google Play Store.

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Participate in the 2023 Wellness Program!

Participate in the Wellness Program this year to earn a lower deductible in the PPO Plan, higher HSAcontribution in the HSA Plan or a reduced monthly premium in the Surest Plan in 2024!

Earn Your 2024 Incentive
To be eligible to earn an incentive in 2024 complete the Know Yousdazr Number Assessment, self-report your metrics, and complete one (1) wellness activity. When you complete both steps, you will receive preferred benefits for 2024. If your spouse is also enrolled in the Star Tribune medical plan, both the employee and spouse are required to complete the program to earn the incentive.

 Star Tribune 2023 Wellness Program Guide

Log Into Your Wellness Portal/Mobile App

For your participation in the program to be tracked, eligible participants must be registered under the Star Tribune Wellness Portal. Please follow the steps below to log into your Wellworks For You account or create an account if you do not have one. In accordance with confidentiality laws, your individual data is accessible only to you and the third-party vendor, Wellworks For You. 

  1. Go to
  2. You will be asked for your Username and Password
  3. Your Username is STR plus your 7-digit employee ID OR your spouse’s 7-digit employee ID number followed by sp
  • Employee Example: STR0034567
  • Spouse Username Example: STR0034567sp
  1. Your initial password for the first-time logging into your Wellness Portal is the year you were born and the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN).
  • Password Example: Birth year of 1983, and the last four digits of your SSN is

5181, your password is: 19835181

  1. The first time you access your Wellness Portal you will be prompted to change your password

Please Note:

  • Employee IDs are 7-digits in length, including leading zeros.
  • Employee IDs are displayed on the company badge and pay statements.
  • If you accessed your account already during the 2023 Wellness Program, please use the same credentials as they have not changed.

For questions, please contact Amanda Smith –, 1-800-425-4657

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Open Enrollment runs Wednesday, November 2nd through 5 pm Wednesday, November 16th

Open Enrollment starts Wednesday, November 2nd and ends at 5 p.m., Wednesday, November 16th.

We encourage you to review your benefits in the Star Tribune UKG Pro online enrollment system. For 2023 Star Tribune will continue to offer the PPO and HSA plans administered by UMR. We also have a new medical plan option for you to consider. Surest is a cutting-edge medical plan that offers an intuitive member experience. You pay co-pays for all services, with no deductible or coinsurance. Search for providers and learn more about the plan:
Access code: startribune2023

View the video of the Star Tribune/Surest Benefits Information Meeting


Virtual Benefits Q&A Tuesday, November 15 at noon

We would like to invite you to join a virtual conversation about benefits and open enrollment that will be taking place Tuesday, November 15 at noon. During this time our benefits team will be giving an overview of the benefits offered during open enrollment and answering any lingering questions you may have.

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

If you are unable to attend, click below for a video that goes over our benefits guide.

2023 Star Tribune Benefits



If you take no action during Open Enrollment, your current benefit elections will remain in place for 2023 with the following exception: any flexible spending account (FSA) elections will expire effective December 31, 2022.

The following enrollment action will be required:

• To make changes to your benefit elections for 2023, use the UKG Pro online enrollment system through StribNet or go to
• To contribute to a Health Care Flexible Spending Account (if you participate in the PPO) or contribute to a Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account, use the UKG Pro online enrollment system. FSA elections do not carry over from year to year.

Benefit enrollment for 2023 is now available to you online through UKG Pro. To access Open Enrollment, go to UKG Pro through StribNet or go to to access UKG Pro outside Star Tribune.

Once you are logged in to UKG Pro, click on Myself > Open Enrollment to enroll.

Important Reminders:

  • You must make the desired 2023 Flexible Spending Account (FSA) elections in the UKG Pro online enrollment system. FSA elections will not carry over from the prior year.
  • You can carry over up to $550 in unused health care FSA funds into the next year.
  • You must have completed the 2022 Star Tribune Wellness Program requirements by September 30, 2022, to receive preferred benefits in 2023. If you are covering your spouse in the medical plans, she/he also must have completed the requirements to earn the preferred benefits. Dependent children do not need to participate.
  • Verify your home address, email address, and phone number, as well as other information such as emergency contacts and beneficiaries, are correct in UKG Pro.

More about 2023 Benefits:
We encourage you to learn more about your 2023 benefit choices by reviewing the 2023 Benefits Enrollment Guide.

Go to to review more benefits information including Summary of Benefit Coverages for the medical plans, the pharmacy formulary, and the Surest/UMR benefits meeting recording.

If you have questions, please email or call the Benefits hotline at (612) 673-7458. Thank you.

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Transparency in Coverage

Transparency in Coverage

Through UnitedHealthcare, UMR, Surest and HealthSCOPE Benefits creates and publishes the Machine-Readable Files on behalf of Star Tribune.

To link to the Machine-Readable Files, please click on the URL provided:

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